Visitors will learn the most about the park and its plants by taking the 90-minute tram tour included in the $8 admission price.

Before beginning the tour, the guide will familiarize guests with a wide variety of the herbs and spices grown throughout the park.
The green stuff is lemongrass, popular in Thai and Vietnamese cooking. The flower held here is edible, but not tasty.

The jackfruit is the 2nd largest tree-born fruit and can weigh as much as 80 pounds.

Visitors to the park are invited to pick up and eat any fruit which has fallen to the ground. This fallen fruit has reached the peak of ripeness. One word of warning: do not pick the fruit from the trees and do not eat anything until you are positive what it is.

The park's rare tropical climate allows it to grow over 70 varieties of bananas.

That is one good banana.

That is one pretty blossom.

Several varieties of freshly cut fruit grown in the park are available to sample for free in the gift shop daily.
Today's samples included mango, custard apple and chocolate sapote, which tastes just like chocolate pudding - NOT!

After the tram tour, visitors can walk through the rest of the property's gardens seeking out whatever fruit or spice they are interested in.

Two tips for visiting the Fruit & Spice Park: 1) take bowl, knife, fork and wet naps 2) BOGO with online Entertainment coupon.
For more pictures, click here .
To be continued...
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