The black limousine in the front of the building was a Presidential Parade Limousine used by several presidents, including Nixon.

Abe guards the entrance to the museum in this replica of The Lincoln Memorial statue.

Upon entering the museum, you encounter a replica of The White House Dining Room complete with Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, George Bush & Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Marlon prepares to watch the video "Stand-Up Reagan". This is one of many videos patrons of the museum can view during their visit.

In addition to wax figures of each and every president, The Presidents Hall of Fame also has a collection of miniature wooden presidents each measuring about 2 feet high.

In the main exhibit area, each president has his own display of memorabilia in its own showcase.

First ladies Hillary Clinton and Jacqueline Kennedy stand at their husbands' sides in the exhibit.

There are miniaturizations of The Oval Office for each presidency beginning with the 1909-1913 Taft Administration.

The Oval Office of Lyndon Baines Johnson (1969-1974)

The Oval Office as it appears in 2008

The Hall of Fame also features a vast collection of miniatures created by owner John Zweifel.

The bread and butter of The Presidents Hall of Fame is a 1/12th replica of The White House which is currently touring various Presidential Libraries.
This scale replica of Mount Rushmore is featured next to the Hall of Fame.

Yes! Marlon made a video. Enjoy...
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