June 3, 2008

Colonial Williamsburg Pt. 1

Today we once again took a step back in time...this time to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.

Founded by Reverend Dr. W.A.R Goodwin and John D. Rockefeller Jr. in 1926, Colonial Williamsburg has since become the largest living history museum in America.

Great Hopes Plantation is one of Williamsburg's newest additions, having debuted in 2003. The plantation is a representation of a "middling" plantation...owned by someone of the middle class.

Here you will see typical colonial farming techniques of the times.

All the buildings were constructed by carpenters using methods of the 18th century.

Interpreters portraying carpenters, working farmers and African American slaves give insight into life on the middling plantation.

The actors have arrived at The Play Booth Theater and the drama of Colonial Williamsburg has begun.

Marlon has been a naughty boy since about the colonial times, so a nice lady helped him figure out how to get into this pillory.

He was freed from the pillory in time to watch a court case come to life in Order in the Court.

Some guests prefer the less strenuous way to get around Colonial Williamsburg.

The Raleigh Tavern is the setting for 18th barroom drama.

It is Business as Usual at the Raleigh as guests listen in on the latest social and political views of the time.

Here it was business as usual for a hard-working horse.

The Old Capitol is where "Patrick Henry first kindled the flame of revolution" in 1765.

An interpreter explains the importance of the building.

Although this looks like a poker room, more important decisions than "call, raise or fold" were made here.

These are actual bricks made here at Colonial Williamsburg. Let's follow the process used...backwards. Step #5-use finished bricks to make things such as walls and chimneys.

Step #4-place the formed bricks out in the sun to dry for about one week. Then move them to a drying shed, where they will be protected from the weather, for about six weeks.

Step #3-form clay into brick-sized loaves using a wooden mold.

Step #2-brickmakers get down and dirty with the clay to stomp it to a smooth consistency.

Step #1-shovel the clay into the stomping pit (actually called a treading pit).

For more pictures, go to http://public.fotki.com/Marlonfleenor/1/2008/june/colonial-williamsburg-va/ pictures 1-67.

For a video see Colonial Williamsburg Pt. 2.

To be continued...

June 2, 2008

Colonial Historic National Park, Jamestown

Today we went to Jamestown Island which, along with Yorktown, is part of the Colonial National Historical Park operated by the National Park Service.

Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the first permanent English settlement in North America.

Walking over the footbridge from the Visitor Center into the park, we came to the Tercentennial Monument. It was built in 1907 to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the landing at Jamestown.

Park rangers give informative tours of Jamestown hourly.

The current version of Jamestown's Memorial Church was completed in 1907. The interior of the church contains the brick and cobblestone foundations of the original 1639 church.

Archaeological digs occur regularly on property searching for NEW old artifacts.

Captain John Smith had a colorful past prior to being elected to a one-year term of Governor of Virginia in 1608. That's him on the right.

Pocahontas was about 13 years old when she first visited Jamestown bringing gifts of food from her father. She married John Rolfe at about 19 years of age and died just three years later in England. She is on the right.

These geese are direct descendants of geese who may have lived here in Jamestown in the 1600s.

These row houses were occupied at least from 1650 to 1720. It looks as if they then fell in disrepair.

This is believed to be the site of Swann's Tavern as artifacts such as a brass spigot from casks of beer or cider were discovered at the site.

This is known to be the new theater in the round which opened, along with the new visitor center, in 2007. The theater presents Jamestown: America's Birthplace.

Glass blowing demonstrations can be viewed at Jamestown's Glasshouse.

A video of Jamestown excitement is below!
For more pictures, go to
http://public.fotki.com/Marlonfleenor/1/2008/june/colonial-national-h/ .

To be continued...

June 1, 2008

American Heritage RV Park, Williamsburg, VA

Today we headed from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to one of the oldest cities in America- Williamsburg, Virginia. In order to get there...

we had to cross the Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel. This 4.6 mile stretch, including a 4,800 foot long tunnel which runs under the Hampton Roads harbor, connects the Virginia cities of Newport News and Suffolk.

Watch as we go through the tunnel portion of the MMMBT. Once you emerge on the other side, you can go ride the ferris wheel up ahead.

Having survived two tunnels (one of which was only two inches higher than the motorhome!), we pulled into our site at American Heritage RV Park.

The campground had a nice wide entry which was easy to navigate.

The pool was open, but instead of swimming...

we went on a short nature hike.

For more pictures, go to http://public.fotki.com/Marlonfleenor/1/2008/june/american-heritage-r/ .

To be continued...

May 31, 2008

Wright Brothers National Memorial

Yesterday we drove south from our campground. Today we drove north.

What did we see? A light house!

This light house, Body's Island Light House, will soon be restored for climbing. Right now though you can only LOOK up the stairs.

Just in case you wanted to know how to find this light house...here's its coordinates.

Next we arrived in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina to visit the Wright Brothers National Memorial. Marlon tries to fly...but fails.

This is a full-scale reproduction of the original 1903 Wright Flyer.

The 4 initial successful flights occurred here December 17, 1903. They were in succession 120 feet, 175 feet, 200 feet and 852 feet long.

The 60-foot high granite monument sits atop 90-foot high Kill Devil Hill.

The monument was completed in 1932 with a budget of $213,000.

To see the view from the top of Kill Devil Hill and hear the fierce winds on the day we visited, click below During the Centennial of Flight in 2003, participants attempted to recreate the legendary flights with varying degrees of success.

The Wright Brothers designed this wind tunnel to teach themselves what makes a wing work well.

Near the Outer Banks Visitor's Bureau in Kitty Hawk, we found these monuments to 100 years of flight.

Did you know that pilot Chuck Yeager first flew faster than the speed of sound in 1947?

Did you know that this 945 pound Marlin fish weighs several hundred pounds MORE than this Marlon human? As Ripley says, "Believe It or Not!"

For more pictures, go to http://public.fotki.com/Marlonfleenor/1/2008/may/wright-brothers-mem/ .

To be continued...

The Bodyguard at Theatre Winter Haven, Winter Haven, Florida

Tonight, we attended the next to final performance of The Bodyguard: The Musical at Theatre Winter Haven. The curtain call for the four main...