Vendors from around the country set up booths featuring items that would have existed in the 1800's.

The festival has become an annual event in West Yellowstone.

The IMAX Theatre presentations of "Yellowstone", "Bears" and "Alaska", on the other hand, are daily events.

We ventured in the park and followed Firehole Canyon Drive.

Firehole Canyon Drive should be a great place to spot some big horn sheep.

Or some swimmers braving the cold water in the swimming hole.

No diving allowed here.

The old-fashioned swimming is warmed by the runoff from distant hot springs and geysers.

Wonder if he ever goes to the swimming hole to cool off.

A bacterial mat, such as this one, is a layer of bacteria that may form in environments where other organisms are unable to thrive.

The Fountain Paint Pots are thin and watery from abundant rain and snow in early summer and gradually thicken as the summer progresses.

Small Spasm Geyser is somehow connected to the larger Fountain Geyser. It is quiet during and just after the larger one erupts and then pretty much erupts continuously.

Some of the sites along Firehole Lake Drive...

Hot Lake appears to be non-inviting.

A big cotton ball appeared over the trees.

Marlon came prepared to swim but decided to obey the sign.

Enjoy some more thermal features of this area of the park...