Marlon rescued Sammy from an animal shelter in St. Joseph, Missouri as a kitten. Within a few months, Marlon and Sammy moved to Raytown, Missouri.

There Sammy met her new friend, Gypsy.

Sammy liked visiting the outdoors.

Sammy and Gypsy learned how to eat out of plastic bowls...back then we apparently couldn't afford actual cat dishes.

Sammy enjoyed lounging around on the couch in the downstairs family room.

Then everyone moved to Colorado and soon lived in a house.

And Sammy loved to sit by the upstairs railing looking down on the rest of the house.

Sammy always posed like a model with her right paw extended like this.

In 2002, when Sammy was 9 years old, all of a sudden she stopped eating. Suffering from fatty liver, she had a tube inserted into her stomach so that we could feed her through it until she got better.

And six months later, Sammy WAS better. Thank you to Deer Creek Animal Hospital in Littleton, Colorado and especially Dr. Markee Kuschel.
She always liked to rub against her gargoyle on top of the fireplace.
Sammy loved it when we got a paper shredder.
She could enjoy herself for hours with a single strip of paper.
Here's a video of her having fun with paper.